Men’s Health

Robotic Reconstructive Techniques services offered in Upper East Side, New York, NY

Robotic surgery gives your surgeon greater control and precision for repairs of the bladder, bladder neck, or ureter. At the office of Gregory Amend, MD, patients receive the very best in advanced reconstructive urologic surgery to overcome their health problems. Call our urology clinic in the Upper East Side neighborhood of New York City, New York, today or request an appointment to find out more about our robotic reconstructive techniques.

Robotic Reconstructive Techniques Q & A

Robotic surgery is a type of minimally invasive surgery. It combines reconstructive techniques with robotic technology that allows Dr. Amend to perform complex procedures with more control, flexibility, and accuracy.


The surgical system uses robotic arms, a high-definition camera, and small surgical tools that Dr. Amend controls from a special console in the surgical room. 


During your robotic surgery, Dr. Amend sits at the console, which provides him with a magnified 3D view of the surgical site. He controls the robotic arms with special instruments that move like a human hand, but with a greater range of motion. 

Dr. Amend may use the robotic console to perform complex reconstructive urologic procedures.   Some of the most common include:

Bladder neck contracture

Men who’ve undergone prostate surgery are at risk of a rare condition known as bladder neck contracture, in which scar tissue collects at the juncture of the prostate and the bladder, requiring treatment to widen the opening. At the office of Gregory Amend, MD, patients with this complication get the very best in reconstructive urologic surgery to overcome the problem. Call the office in the Upper East Side neighborhood of New York City, New York, today or use the online scheduling tool to find out if you have bladder neck contracture.   Robotic surgery involves removing the prostate and reconnecting the bladder to the urethra. The scar tissue resulting from this procedure can also cause the opening to shrink or close altogether.

The prostate gland sits between the bladder and the urethra, the tube through which urine evacuates your body. 


Following surgery for benign (noncancerous) prostate enlargement, scar tissue can form at the junction of the bladder outlet and the prostate, resulting in the rare condition of bladder neck contracture.


Surgery for prostate cancer may also result in bladder neck contracture. Some treatments involve removing the prostate and reconnecting the bladder to the urethra. The scar tissue resulting from this procedure can also cause the opening to shrink or close altogether.


Without treatment, bladder neck contracture can lead to bladder or kidney damage.

Symptoms of bladder neck contracture start to show 3-6 months following prostate surgery.   These may include:
  • The gradual reduction in the flow of urine
  • Inability to urinate
  • Urine leakage when the bladder fills
  • A sensation of incomplete emptying
  • Urine streams that start and stop
  • Needing to push to encourage urination
You may notice that even if you have the urge to urinate, there’s hesitation when you’re ready to “go.”   If Dr. Amend suspects you have bladder neck contracture, he’ll order a diagnostic test using a small medical telescope called a cystoscopy. After administering a local anesthetic, he glides the cystoscope through the urethra and into the bladder.   He may also order X-ray studies to look for abnormal bladder or urethral structures.

Ureteral repairs

The ureter is the tube, which connects the kidney to the bladder. The ureter of either kidney can become damaged from prior surgery, radiation therapy, or infection. Damage at any location along its path, including the junctions with the bladder or kidney can cause pain and obstruction.   A robotic ureteral reconstruction is a type of procedure that involves repairing this connection between the kidney and the bladder. To fix this issue, Dr. Amend may remove the diseased part of the ureter, reconnecting the healthy ends so that your kidneys can drain unobstructed. He might also use the robotic system to rebuild a section of the ureter with tissue grafted from the mouth.

Using robotic reconstructive techniques offer several advantages. Some of the benefits include:

  • Smaller incisions 
  • Less scarring
  • Minimal blood loss
  • Reduced post-op pain
  • Faster recovery
  • Lowered risk of complications

With robotic surgery, Dr. Amend can perform procedures that may not be possible using other surgical techniques or tools. Additionally, the high-definition camera allows him to get an enhanced view of the surgical site.  

Dr. Amend is an experienced reconstructive urologist and determines if you’re a good candidate for robotic surgery during a consultation. When deciding the best surgical technique for you, he takes into consideration your diagnosis, surgical needs, medical history, and overall health.


The goal of any surgery is to ensure you get the best possible outcomes. Though robotic reconstructive techniques offer many benefits, it isn’t the best surgical option for all patients.

For expert surgical care using robotic techniques, contact the office of Gregory Amend, MD, today. Call the office or request an appointment

Ureter Repair Images

Ureter Repair Before
Ureter Repair After
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This content has been reviewed by Dr. Gregory Amend