Men’s Health

Urologic Trauma Care in Upper East Side, New York, NY

Urologic trauma describes any injury to your urinary tract or reproductive organs. Patients can receive the essential treatment they need from reconstructive urologist Gregory Amend, MD. He offers several treatments for urologic damage caused by falls, car accidents, or other traumatic instances. Call the office in the Upper East Side neighborhood of New York City, New York, today, or request an appointment to get the urologic care you need. 

What causes urologic trauma?

You may experience urologic trauma, or urotrauma, from:

  • A blow to the body
  • Falls or straddle injuries
  • Accidents, particularly car or bike accidents
  • Military combat

In some cases, surgery can cause urologic trauma. 

What are the symptoms of urologic trauma?

Your symptoms depend on where you experienced trauma but could include:

  • Pain in and around your pelvis
  • Pain in your back or side
  • Blood in urine or discharge
  • Bruising in your back or side
  • Difficulty urinating or emptying the bladder
  • Weak urine stream (or no urine stream)
  • Dehydration
  • Uncomfortable belly bloating

Urologic trauma can affect your sexual function, reproductive capability, or ability to urinate.

How do you treat urologic trauma?

Dr. Amend treats urologic trauma by repairing any injury, controlling your symptoms, and preventing further complications. The exact treatment depends on the area affected.


If your kidneys are damaged, Dr. Amend will perform surgery that hopefully repairs and saves them. If you lose a kidney, your body can operate normally with just one. If the kidneys are permanently damaged, regular dialysis restores kidney function.


If there is trauma to the ureters, which move urine from the kidneys to the bladder, Dr. Amend may perform surgery or place a stent to restore their function. Damage to the ureters sometimes requires a procedure known as a percutaneous nephrostomy. During this procedure, Dr. Amend places a tiny catheter through your back to remove urine from the kidneys.


Bladder trauma requires surgery. Dr. Amend may place a catheter until the bladder heals.


Damage to the urethra means you’ll need help urinating. Dr. Amend may insert a suprapubic tube into the bladder through a cut below the belly button to drain urine. This tube may remain in place for 3-6 months as your injury heals. Dr. Amend monitors patients with urethra injuries for at least a year to ensure they don’t suffer scarring, incontinence, and erectile dysfunction (ED).


Injury to the genitals may require surgery to repair sexual and urologic functions.

For comprehensive treatment for urologic trauma, contact Gregory Amend, MD. Call the office or request an appointment today.